Saturday, June 5, 2010

One Of Those People

Ever since I have tried to start my own company I have been looking (too far) into other companies and business owners. I am the type of person who meets a business owner(large or small) and immediately wants to know their life story.  What made them want to do this?  What gave them the idea to start their own business?  Who influenced them to go on this path?  Where did the drive come from? And lastly, where did they get the money to start it?????? 
This may seem like a very simple question (get a loan or save up your money!) but from what I have learned....a lot of people that I have talked to have had everything handed to them and don't understand the concept of "financial start up".  Now don't get me wrong, most people and large companies have had to work very, very hard to get started, established, and build themselves up.  But for those whom I am talking they get a since of pride in their work knowing that they haven't really worked for it?  Let me break this down really quick:
1. Building a business from loans and savings = Good
Most people get loans or save up their money to begin a business and then budget and save to accordingly to allow the business to thrive.  This is a very good thing.  It is legitimate. 
2. Having to borrow a lot of money to keep your business afloat because you don't put in the work = Bad
Help is totally fine here and there.  Many companies have to do it. Example, Automotive companies Bailout.
It is bad,though, to have people lend you a BUNCH of money because you don't know how to run a business and you are being wasteful with your profits. Example, Automotive companies Bailout. ha!

Here is my point to all of this,
Whenever I talk to an entrepreneur, I am always thinking that I am about to hear a great Cinderella story about someone who started with nothing and with faith and guidance grew to have a beautiful company.  
Sadly, I have learned that this is not the case with many entrepreneurs that I use to look up to.  They cannot successfully run their company and they always have to have help and they do NOT put love and passion into their work.

I am not going to be "one of those people" and that is a promise.  My company will have heart, and God willing, my company with be successful.


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