Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Left Coast Inspiration

I just got back from my trip to L.A. and there was SO much great stuff to see.  The colors there are absolutely inspiring.  The sky is so blue, the flowers have the most vibrant and amazing colors and even the houses are fabulous colors.  I cannot wait to take all of that and use the inspiration in Lace Cosmetics colors.    It was also interesting seeing the differences between Los Angeles and Atlanta.  There was some kind or cosmetic or beauty store on every corner in L.A. where as in Atlanta, you have to search for a store to go to!  It makes me even more proud of starting my line in Atlanta because I'm doing something more original that not every "Jane" is doing...I don't know people that are in the industry and know how to help me.  It makes me feel really good about what I'm doing.  HELLO EAST COAST! Lace will take the east by storm and then watch out L.A!...we're coming for ya!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Get it done!

I just finished making a final decision on my logo!!!!  Couldn't have happened at a better time either because I have a meeting scheduled with my manufacturer in a little less than two weeks.  No I can be totally prepared when I go in there!  Now to trademark my logo...sheesh!  I have made progress on my website though and got my domain name transfered and about to start actually building the website.  I am literally computer stupid, so this will be a very interesting experience.  I always like to try to do stuff on my own before I ask for help but that is not the case with this website since my web hoster hears from me about 8 times a day(on a good day). oops!  But hey, if i'm paying them to help me and hear me talk....i'm going to ask for help and ask a lot of questions!
Anyways wish me luck and hopefully you wont have to read about me setting up my website for much longer!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who would have known?

Who would have known that creating a website would be so hard.  I have literally spent two weeks just looking for a web hoster that I like and now that I'm actually trying to develop my webpage (which has templates)....its dang near impossible!  I feel very rejected by technology.  My computer thinks it is funny to not save my work.  Not cool.
On a positive note,
I just got a disc on thursday from the fabulous photographer, Mike Colletta, with pictures from the photo shoot he and I did (which I will post below).  He takes some AMAZING pictures so if anyone needs a great photographer, let me know and I will get y'all in touch!

If anybody has any great ideas for my website or know of any support groups , let me know! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Been Busy

Hello All,
Sorry I have not posted in a while.  I have been SO busy lately!  Things are really progressing now...quickly.  Since I posted last, I have gotten all of the legal junk done and out of the way so now I am focusing on the website.  I have no earthly clue as to HOW to make a website either.  This will probably take me a loooonnnnng time to do.  The good news is my fabu friend Adrianne also just finished my logo which is completely amazing!! I can't wait to see it on the website and on my packaging!! yay! :)  In the midst of that madness, I will be placing a sample order of my entire line.  I have talked to my girlfriend Leah and she is willing to give up her house for a day so that we can have a "market research party".  We will be inviting a bunch of people to come over and try out the products and tell us what they think about it.  That will be very exciting/scary :)

As for a little extra good news,
I have already been in touch with a boutique buyer who is probably going to be purchasing my products and putting it in a local boutique in Atlanta!  This would be a huge first step for my line.  I can't wait to see how everything pans out.

As always, I will continue keeping everybody updated.
