Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So the hubs and I are throwing our annual Halloween/birthday get together soon for my beautiful "Halloween baby" husband.  I usually work on the day of the party and then am super rushed to get ready.  This year my FABULOUS boss is letting me have the day off and I plan on having a flippin awesome costume!  I was going to go as Madonna, but since I watched "The September Issue" last night....I'm thinking of doing more of an editorial look.  As fabulous as Madge is, I almost want to go as an Egyptian queen or something like that.  I haven't decided but I think that a trip to the thrift store and the fabric store will get my creative juices flowing!  As for Zach's costume, he will probably decide the day of the party.  But so far, it's looking like Kenny Powers. haha.  I will have to post pictures from the party and let everyone know the outcome.

If y'all have any good ideas, let me know!


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