Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chin up, Buttercup

Things have been progressing very slowly lately but I have a feeling things are about to pick up soon.  I just booked a couple of photo shoots which will be great since I can use my prints to build my resume website.  Also, I am thinking about tweaking my makeup line and making it very simple for the time being.  My boss told me a couple of weeks ago that I shouldn't try to develop my entire line and think that it will all launch at once.  I've been thinking about it and she was very right.  It would cost me SO much money to launch everything at once....and there is so much money that goes into packaging, labels, logos, patents, trademarks, websites, etc.  It can be very discouraging but I'm trying to keep my chin up and push through.  I'll make will just take time :)

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