Thursday, August 19, 2010

Get it done!

I just finished making a final decision on my logo!!!!  Couldn't have happened at a better time either because I have a meeting scheduled with my manufacturer in a little less than two weeks.  No I can be totally prepared when I go in there!  Now to trademark my logo...sheesh!  I have made progress on my website though and got my domain name transfered and about to start actually building the website.  I am literally computer stupid, so this will be a very interesting experience.  I always like to try to do stuff on my own before I ask for help but that is not the case with this website since my web hoster hears from me about 8 times a day(on a good day). oops!  But hey, if i'm paying them to help me and hear me talk....i'm going to ask for help and ask a lot of questions!
Anyways wish me luck and hopefully you wont have to read about me setting up my website for much longer!


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